
Making a difference around the world...
Missions trips help us connect with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God. Join us and help make a difference as we share in what God is doing around the world!

dominican republic

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sept. 21 - 26, 2024 (Family Trip)

LEADERS: Megan Strange & Kristy Webb

NorthStar families will be partnering with SCORE International to serve the people of the Dominican Republic through construction projects, VBS, and sports camps. This trip is designed for families with young kids, ages 8-18.

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Nov. 3 - 7, 2024 (Baseball coaches)

LEADER: Mike Linch

Mike Linch will be leading a group of baseball coaches to the Dominican Republic to serve and lead local coaches and local players. If you are a coach at any level we would love for you to join.

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October 12 - 18, 2024
(feeding/orphan care)


LEADER: Kimberly McDurmon

Located in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, NorthStar will be partnering with Global Community Outreach and work with our hosts, Ron and Rhonda Hedrick, doing community support. This includes feedings, after school program, and local/church help. Anyone above the age of 16 is welcomed to be a part of this amazing trip!

*Guatemala Interest Meeting: Sunday, July 28 at 11:30AM in the True North Commons
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our missions team