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Catch Up

Sunday Messages

Were you out on Sunday and couldn’t catch the service? Or, maybe you want to watch it again or share it with someone who needs to hear it. No worries! You can watch Sunday's message - or messages from previous series by clicking the link below.

Small Group Guides

These are sermon-based guides for small groups using each week's sermon as the basis for their study. They come with deep dives into the scripture and blanks for personal notes.
Grow Daily

Digging Deeper

Devotionals that tie directly to our Sunday message. You can have it delivered to your inbox daily or subscribe on YouTube, Spotify or iTunes. There’s no better way to take the next step in deepening your relationship with Christ than spending time in His word daily.
Leadership Episodes

Linch with a Leader

Join Senior Pastor Mike Linch, as he sits down with some of the greatest leaders in the world to discover the principles behind their success, and how they lead with their faith out in front.
Eat + Learn

Lunch with a Leader

NorthStar hosts a monthly luncheon, where we learn incredible leadership principles by journeying through the lives of the greatest leaders in Scripture.
Just for Men

Over the Hump

Looking for some mid-week encouragement? Subscribe to our weekly devotional aimed at helping sports enthusiasts lock eyes with Jesus and taking one step closer to him.

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